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BYOU Magazine – Review & Giveaway

3 Apr
There are just so many reasons that I love this magazine for girls. 
The name alone – Be Your Own You – is fantastic encouragement for girls today.
BYOU Magazine speaks to the hearts of girls ages 8 and older by building self esteem through stories, advice, games, crafts, and so much more. What I love about this magazine is that it isn’t just about the celebrity role models. This magazine also shares stories of real girls making a difference in their every day lives.

I especially love the features that are included in every issue. One is the “What is means to me to be your own you” feature which asks girls what that means to them and gives them an opportunity to share a little bit about themselves. I also like the “Ask Cassie” feature written by Cassandra Perkins, a Teen Anti-Bullying Advocate. This is a section where she answers questions from girls about bullying, safety, and other topics. BYOU Magazine is fantastic encouragement for girls today and a wonderful resource for moms.

My friends at BYOU Magazine have graciously offered to give away
a one-year subscription to BYOU to one blessed Saved Sister reader.
You can enter to win below.

You can visit their website here:
BYOU Magazine – Website

You can connect with them on Facebook here:
BYOU Magazine – Facebook
and follow them on Twitter here:
BYOU Magazine – Twitter
and on Pinterest here:
BYOU Magazine – Pinterest

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

10 Ways To Show Respect To Our Husbands

21 Mar
In our Bible study these past few weeks, we have been talking about marriage. Enhancing our marriages strengthens our partnership in parenting which directly impacts our children. Our marriages also help form our children’s picture of marriage and the roles they will play when they get married later.

Throughout scripture God describes our responsibilities as wives
and what living these out will teach our children. 

One of these is found in Ephesians 5:33,

Each man must love his wife as he loves himself,
and the wife must respect her husband. (NLT)

God commands us to respect our husbands as He knows how it speaks
to their hearts. As we wives crave love, our husbands crave respect.

What does that look like?
How do we show our husbands respect?

Judy Rossi breaks it down into 10 A’s 
using the Amplified translation of Ephesians 5:33.

…let the wife see that she respects and reverences her husband (AFFECTION) that she notices him (ATTENTION), regards him (ATTITUDE), honors him (AFFIRMATION), prefers him (ALLEGIANCE), venerates and esteems him (ACCEPTANCE); and that she defers to him (ADAPTION), praises him (APPRECIATION), and loves (ADORATIONand admires him exceedingly (APPROVAL).

10 Ways To Show Respect To Our Husbands

Reverence is an attitude of deep respect and esteem mingled with – AFFECTION.
Titus 2:3-4

Notice is the act of noting, observing, or remarking – ATTENTION.
Song of Solomon 5:10-16

Regard is to look upon or think of in a particular way – ATTITUDE.
Philippians 2:3-4
Ephesians 4:31-32

Honor is to hold in honor or high respect; to show respect to; treat with honor – AFFIRMATION.
Proverbs 31:10-12, 23-31

Prefer is to set above something else in estimation; to hold in greater favor or esteem – ALLEGIANCE.
Genesis 2:24
Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Mark 10:9

Esteem is to regard as having a certain value – ACCEPTANCE.
Romans 15:7

Defer means to yield to another’s opinion; to submit or give way courteously or from respect – ADAPTION.
Ephesians 5:22-24
Colossians 3:18
1 Peter 3:1-6

Praise is to commend or applaud; to extol in words or song – APPRECIATION.
James 3:9-10

Love is to have strong or passionate affection for, as for one of the opposite sex – ADORATION.
Proverbs 5:15-19

Admire is to regard with wonder mingled with satisfaction and approval; to take pleasure in the excellence or beauty of; to look on or contemplate with pleasure – APPROVAL.
Genesis 2:7-8, 15, 18, 21-23

As we make the choice to respect our husbands, our perception of them as our leaders, protectors, and providers evolves. This in turn transforms how we view them as fathers and how our children see them as well.

Our husbands need to know that we are their greatest admirers and biggest fans.

How do you show respect to your husband?

Missions Monday – Pencils of Promise

18 Mar

It’s time for Missions Monday.

Every Monday I will introduce you to some great charities that you can get involved in. When I say get involved, I mean you can donate your money, time, and/or pray for these organizations who are doing amazing things to help people.

Today I would like to introduce you to

From the website:

“It began with a question.
A small boy, begging on the streets of India.
‘What do you want most in this world?’ I asked.
‘A pencil.’

I reached into my backpack, handed him my pencil, and watched as a wave of possibility washed over him.
A smile erupted and his eyes brightened. And I saw then the profound power and promise brought through something as small as a giving a pencil to just one child.

Over the next five years I backpacked through more than 50 countries, handing out thousands of pens and pencils across six continents.

These pencils, these small pieces of potential, led to powerful conversations with local parents and children across countless cultures and languages. From years of listening to their words, it became clear that there was a need for an international nonprofit that was led on-the-ground by a staff of locals from within each country, required village participation in each school, and deeply supported, trained and tracked each student to ensure their success.”

You can learn more about this organization
and how you can get involved by visiting their website here:

You can connect with them on Facebook here:
and follow them on Twitter here:

Riding the Rollercoaster

7 Mar
Leading a small group of preteen girls is both rewarding and challenging. They are in that in-between stage and learning how to navigate new waters and we are part of the journey they are taking between child and teenager. Part of this new path is changing hormones and the emotions that accompany them. 
A preteen girl’s emotions can be up one minute and down another. 
This rollercoaster of feelings can sometimes manifest itself in bouts of tears.
Here are four pointers in dealing with this kind of emotional outburst:

Deal with it. Don’t ignore it or trivialize it. The situation may seem silly, but to a girl in the midst of the outburst it can be scary and overwhelming.

Talk about it. Taking the girl aside and giving her a chance to share how she is feeling and helping her identify why she is feeling that way is a huge help.

Normalize it. Reassure her that what she is feeling is normal for her age. Let her know that other girls are going through this same thing.

Pray about it. Take this time to pray with her and for her. Let her know that God wants to hear how she is feeling and will be there for her.

Part of being a small group leader of preteen girls is riding this rollercoaster with them. We are here to support and encourage them along the way.

I wouldn’t trade a moment of it and am so blessed 
to be a part of my small group girls’ lives.


If Momma Ain’t Happy

31 Jan
As a wife and mom, I am the thermostat of our home. I am responsible for setting the emotional temperature of our family. My mood will set the tone each day and my husband and children will respond accordingly.

That is a huge responsibility and I have to be ever conscious of my mood and how it effects my family.  Life can be challenging and negative emotions can be stirred up during those times. Emotions aren’t wrong, but letting them control me is.

Feelings don’t just happen; they are always preceded by a thought.
– Judy Rossi

Our thoughts are so important in shaping our emotions. What we hear in our heads travels to our hearts. We have a choice to let the negative thoughts take root and create negative feelings or replace those thoughts with the truth. His truth.

In 2 Corinthians 10:5, we are told to “take every thought captive” which means that we have control over our thoughts. It is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that this is possible. For once we become children of God, we have the Holy Spirit inside of us and letting the Spirit control our minds leads to life and peace (Romans 8:6).

In Romans 12:1-2, God commands us to offer our bodies as a “living and holy sacrifice” as an act of worship, which includes our minds. We are to yield and devote everything to Him – from our thoughts to our actions. He goes on to say that we are to let Him transform us into new people by changing the way we think. We need to be molded daily by His truth and not the lies that we often hear in our heads.

Under God’s economy, nothing really changes until our minds do. Transformation is the fruit of a changed outlook. First our minds are renewed, and then we are transformed, and then everything is different, even if it stays the same.
– Mark Buchanan “The Rest of God”

He tells us in His Word exactly what we should be
thinking of instead of those negative thoughts.

Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. 
Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.
Philippians 4:8

In God’s Word, there is a truth for every lie the enemy tries to get us to believe.

Feeling alone?
Be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
Matthew 28:20

Feeling tired?
Those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
    They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
    They will walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31

Feeling defeated?
For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13

Only God’s truth will renew our minds and change our behavior. 
The lies keep us bound and His truth sets us free.

What negative thoughts are you struggling with today?

How can I pray for you today?


Are You A Desperate Mom?

7 Jan
When we had our first son, we were living far away from family and hadn’t made many friends. It was an exciting time but it was also very lonely and scary for me.

Our AJ was a sweet, beautiful baby and I fell in love with him immediately when they placed him in my arms at the hospital. But something happened when we brought him home. He cried all the time and barely slept longer than an hour at a time. We tried everything from the swing to driving him around in the car. Donnie was such a help, but he had to go back to work after a few days. I was alone with this crying baby and had no idea what to do. I felt like a failure.

I made many long distance calls to my mom. I remember one so well. It was the moment I completely lost it. I had been walking, rocking, and crying along with my baby for days. I said to her through sobs, “I am the worst mom ever.” She told me to give the phone to Donnie and then told him to send me to bed. She knew that I was exhausted and broken.

After two weeks (which seemed like years to me) we finally found out that AJ was lactose intolerant and was crying because his belly was upset. We changed formula and our sweet baby was back.

But for those two weeks, I was a desperate momma. Desperate for someone to help me. Desperate for someone to help my baby. Desperate for someone to tell me I wasn’t alone and I wasn’t a horrible momma.

Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson have written a book – 
Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe
A book for the desperate momma. One to speak to our momma hearts. 
I wish that I had this book sixteen years ago and am so thankful to have it today. Desperate is a book that I recommend for every momma and not just the ones expecting or ones with tinies, but mommas in every stage of parenting.

Sarah and Sally offer love, encouragement, and wisdom to moms throughout Desperate all the while pointing to God in everything. One of the things I love about this book is that there are videos for every chapter. It was like Sarah and Sally came over for a cup of coffee and a chat.

This is one of my favorite quotes from the book.

Desperate also contains a Bible study and prompts to journal as you read.
This would be a fantastic small group study to do with other mommas. You can download the Desperate small group guide on the website here.

Friends…believe me when I tell you that this book is simply a gift from these two incredible women. It is a gift you can receive and one to give away as well. Buy one for yourself and get another for your friend. Buy one for every momma in your church or a momma you might encounter through your day.

You can purchase Desperate at these places:

Be sure to visit Sarah at this week 
as there will be giveaways each day.

Movement -

Kind Words Like Honey

4 Jan

Today I am joining Lisa-Jo and friends for Five Minute Friday.
This is where we come together writing 
for 5 minutes without editing or overthinking.
I love this community.

Check out what everyone’s is sharing on the word OPPORTUNITY here.

Five Minute Friday

I was thinking today just how powerful our words are.
They can build a person up or tear them down.
There are opportunities every day to speak a kind word.
That one word could change a person’s day.

A word shared to let someone know you see them.
To let them know they aren’t alone.
To let them know they matter.
To let them know how very much they are loved.

I don’t want to miss a single opportunity to speak that word.
To give the gift of encouragement.
To speak life into another life.
I want to be more intentional about my words.

I want to take that moment to tell my sons how proud I am
 of them and how blessed I am to be their momma.
I want to tell my husband often how much I appreciate all 
he does leading and loving our family.
I want to send a note to that friend who I know is hurting 
and make that phone call to one I haven’t talked to in way too long.
I want to encourage that sweet little one
asking who this Jesus is that I keep talking about.
I want to encourage the mom juggling 
her three children as they come into the grocery store.

I don’t want to miss a single opportunity to give the gift of encouragement.
Lord…open my eyes.

Kind words are like honey—
sweet to the soul.
Proverbs 16:24 

Fasting for Kids

3 Jan

So we fasted and earnestly prayed that our God
would take care of us, and he heard our prayer.
Ezra 8:23

Fasting is the spiritual discipline of giving something up to help us focus on God. There is a growing number of church congregations that are observing a 21-day fast beginning in January. Our church will be doing so and we have decided to include our kids.

Fasting isn’t a spiritual discipline that is taught much in children’s ministry. Mostly due to the fact that we limit the act of fasting to giving up food alone when kids can give other things up such as video games, television, sweets, etc. We can teach our children that we give up these foods and activities to show God our love for Him. 

We can’t stop the discussion at what they will be giving up during this time, but also need to address what will replace those activities. Otherwise it becomes more about doing without instead of an opportunity to draw closer to God. 

This would be a fantastic time to teach more about the spiritual disciplines of reading their Bibles and spending time in prayer which would replace those times when they would be doing other things like playing games or watching TV. 

This is also an opportune time to encourage them in giving to others. They could save the money they would normally spend on snacks and give that money to a charity at the end of the fast.

While there is a wealth of information and resources available on fasting for adults, there is very little out there for kids. While searching, I came across these FREE resources from Awakening: Fasting Resources for Kids and wanted to share them. Included are a lesson plans, activity sheets, Bible reading devotions, and a fasting calendar.

Is your church planning on fasting in January?
Will you be including the kids in your children’s ministry?

Wednesdays with Women in Kidmin

31 Oct
Wednesdays with Women in Kidmin is about bringing together some of the leading 
women in children’s ministry to share their knowledge and passion. 
For us to gather and learn from each other…to sharpen each other.
As iron sharpens iron,
so a friend sharpens a friend.
Proverbs 27:17

My Greatest Influencers
– Katie Wetherbee

When Wendy asked me to participate in this series, she asked that I address this question: “Who has most influenced you as a woman in ministry?” While I have been blessed by teachers, pastors and colleagues who have greatly enriched my faith and guided my ministry, the greatest influencers have, undoubtedly, been children. Please read on to meet a few of the children who have shaped my perspective, deepened my faith, and inspired me to help churches understand and welcome families affected by disabilities…please note: names marked by an asterisk have been changed to protect privacy.

As we turned left into the church parking lot, I saw the orange cones, flashing lights and serious parking lot team, clad in florescent vests….all of the requisite components of outdoor “welcome” team. We took our place in the line of mini vans and sedans, waiting to be directed to the correct row. Creeping forward, I glimpsed an unexpected sight: a small boy with a large grin, proudly wearing a man-sized orange vest as he happily greeted churchgoers.

“That’s Alex*!” I said to my family. Once inside the church, I found Alex’s mom, and mentioned how Alex’s bright grin outshone his bright vest. “What a wonderful welcome!” I enthused.

Alex’s mom smiled. “Well…that’s his ministry.”

And it was. I knew that Alex, a child with special needs, had been having some difficulty with Sunday School. The 75-minute class was simply too long to stay in one place, listen and sustain attention. After much discussion and prayer, it was decided that Alex would stay for part of Sunday School, and then join the parking team to help welcome those arriving for second service. And every week, I tried to steer my car into Alex’s line to experience the sheer joy with which he greeted each and every visitor.

Similarly, Margaret* felt the call to serve at her church…much to the surprise of her parents. Margaret struggled for years to manage the hour-long church service. At times, her mother wondered, “Is it even worth it (to go?) I am doing anybody any good?” Meltdowns were frequent, often beginning before the family even left for the service. Still, Margaret’s parents persisted…for years. And one day, this young lady, who was rooted in faith by loving parents, decided—on her own—that she wanted to be an altar server. She faithfully takes on this role each week that she is assigned, willingly and, in her dignified, quiet manner, helping her church family receive the Lord’s Supper.

And then there’s Lucas…lanky and loud, with big eyes…and a big heart. Lucas recently went on his very first mission trip, along with his high school youth group. What was once too difficult for him to manage became possible with some well-planned modifications. He loved it…and his ability to serve others transcended his disability. As we chatted one morning, Lucas told me, “You know, Mrs. Wetherbee, I used to have autism…but I don’t have it anymore.” Truly, Lucas does not feel hindered by his diagnosis because at church he feels accepted and wanted and commissioned to serve.

Alex. Margaret. Lucas…and so many more faithful, beautiful children have influenced me in my ministry, because they teach me and remind me that while we are ALL broken, we all have gifts that are necessary to the Body.

And finally, the children who have influence me the most are these two:

My own children, Annie and Bill.

They stretch me with their questions and astound me with their observations…and challenge me to deepen my faith.  And I know they are watching me as they work out their own faith…and I pray, oh, I pray, that my life and ministry will be a proverb of wisdom, and a Psalm they can sing.

As Director of Education for Key Ministry (, Katie Wetherbee helps churches to welcome and include families affected by disabilities. In addition, Katie writes for several publications, including Standard Publishing and K! Magazine, and blogs at She lives in Chagrin Falls, OH with her husband, Tom and their children, along with a quirky mutt named Mitzie.

A Lesson in Confidence

25 Oct

God had me facing my biggest fear this past week. 
I shared about the beginning of it as I did it scared.

Sunday morning I learned that He wasn’t done with me in this lesson yet. Our Family Ministry director asked me just before the first service if I would teach at our 6pm service that night. At the mere question, my heart rate raced and those butterflies the size of cows awoke and went all aflutter. She gripped my hands, knowing full well what was happening inside me, and said these powerful words…
“You can do this.”

So I once again said “yes” to what I knew He has been calling me to do and had been resisting. I would so love to tell you that immediately the fear went away, but that wouldn’t be true. I will tell you that something happened to me on that stage. Something that is still making me a little weepy.

As I shared with these beautiful kids that I love deep down in my soul about Gideon, I realized that the message He had given me to share with them wasn’t just for them, but it was Him speaking to my heart.

I started telling them about Gideon. How he was the weakest of the weak, yet God chose him to lead an army of 300 into battle. Yes Gideon was afraid, but he obeyed God. He did it anyway and placed his confidence in God who promised victory.
Then I heard myself say, 
“Sometimes stepping onto the battlefield in obedience and placing full confidence in God is the victory of the battle.”

That was Him speaking to me.
In that moment as I stood on a stage which had become the battlefield where I would fight my fear, God spoke to me in the message I had prepared for our kids. It was like He was saying to me, “All I wanted was for you to do what I’ve been asking you to do and trust me in it. And here we are, daughter…”

The rest of the lesson was having the kids act out on stage with me the battle that God fought for Gideon without him having to even lift his sword. Watching them act out each part of the story from the angel’s visit to the smashing of clay pots and horns sounding was beauty in motion.
Fitting right into the moment was our Bible verse for the week:
So we can say with confidence,
“The Lord is my helper, so I will have no fear.”
Hebrews 13:6
I don’t know exactly what God has in store for me in all this. I just know that He is asking me to say “yes” when He asks even if I have to do it scared. He is asking me to trust Him and stand on His promises.

I am thankful today for a God who is bigger than my biggest fear.

What is God asking you to do today?