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What I’m Reading – Lead Your Family Like Jesus

30 Mar
My Thoughts

What I love about Lead Your Family Like Jesus is that it isn’t another “how to” book that you can use to check things off of a list to be a better parent. Instead it is a book that invites you to learn more about Jesus and implement those lessons in your home with a servant heart like His. Each author writes from their experience as parents and all they have learned along the way.

I especially loved the chapter in which Tricia Goyer shared about her experience of getting overwhelmed by her every day schedule. She and her husband sat down to look at everything she was doing and came up with a plan. She assigned each activity with a number from 1 to 4. 1 being those things that she had to do. 2 being things that she should do. 3 being things that she enjoyed doing and helped her. 4 being things she was afraid to say no to or things she did to look good to others. She ended up cutting out all the 4s and even some of the 3s. Doing so enabled her to refocus and evaluate her heart in all she was doing.

I also loved that Tricia shared how she prays for her children. 
She prays for their:

Head – that they will always lift their heads to look to the Lord and that they will allow God to life their heads when they are hurt or discouraged,
Shoulders – so they will learn to let God carry their burdens,
Knees – that they will get on their knees before God regularly, and
Toes – that a community of believers will surround them and keep them on their toes.

Love these messages from Tricia Goyer!

Enter Today - 3/25- 4/16!

About the Book

Does your family need a five-star general at the helm? A psychologist? A referee? Ken Blanchard, best-selling co-author of The One Minute Manager and Lead Like Jesus, points to a better role model: the Son of God. Joined by veteran parents and authors Phil Hodges and Tricia Goyer, renowned business mentor Blanchard shows how every family member benefits when parents take the reins as servant-leaders. Moms and dads will see themselves in a whole new light—as life-changers who get their example, strength, and joy from following Jesus at home. This user-friendly book’s practical principles and personal stories mark the path to a truly Christ-centered family, where integrity, love, grace, self-sacrifice, and forgiveness make all the difference.

You can purchase this book here:

About the Author

Tricia Goyer is the award winning author of over thirty books including Beside Still Waters, Remembering You, and the mommy memoir, Blue Like Play Dough. Tricia is a regular speaker at conventions and conferences and is the host of Living Inspired. She and her family make their home in Little Rock, Arkansas where they are part of the ministry of FamilyLife. 
Learn more about Tricia at her website:
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

My dearest, dreaming son…

26 Mar
My dearest, dreaming son…
How my heart is bursting for you.
To watch you chase your dream is overwhelming.

I remember the first time I heard you sing.
It caught me off guard…this beauty.
I will admit to you now that I wept.
Overtaken by the sweet sound of your voice.
A gift that God has given you that was hidden
until you were ready to grasp hold of it.

You didn’t stop there.
You knew there was more to this dream.
You wanted to learn to play the guitar.
You didn’t take lessons, but instead you immersed
yourself in listening and playing by ear.

I have watched you chase this dream
of music that fills your head and heart.
And I am in awe of you.

This past weekend you took a big step in this journey.
You performed at The Coffee Shop.

You gave me a smile and began to strum your guitar.
Then you began to sing and I was undone.
You are walking out this God-sized dream.
Step by step.
Fearless and brave you are, my son.

Daddy and I are so very proud of you.

I love you.
God-Sized Dreams

My friend Holley Gerth invited me to join a group of dreamers that she affectionately calls her God Sized Dream Team. What a blessing to be part of this group. 
We will be gathering each week on Tuesdays at Holley’s to encourage each other to dream those God sized dreams.

Won’t you join us?
What is your God-sized dream?

Holley had written a love letter to dreamers. Her book You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream is full of words of encouragement and will speak to your heart.


Home Is Where The Heart Is

8 Mar
Today I am joining Lisa-Jo and friends for Five Minute Friday.
This is where we come together writing for 5 minutes without editing or overthinking.
I love this community.

Check out what everyone’s is sharing on the word HOME here.

Five Minute Friday

Home is so much more than the walls that surround me and the roof above me. 
Home is more about the people that fill my life. 

It is these four men both big and little who bring the overflow of love and laughter with each day. Moments cuddling on the couch and dancing in the living room. Sitting around the dinner table, heads bowed, thanking God for all our blessings. 

It is the nearness of my mother after many years separated. Sitting across the table from her and talking about our lives. Hearing her encouragement given from one mother to another. Being able to laugh with her again. 

It is gathering with women sharing our hearts with laughter and tears. Wanting to know God more and diving into His Word together. Longing to be the women, wives, and mothers that God has created them to be. 

It is sitting in a circle with a group of girls as they giggle and sharing Jesus with them. Listening to their hopes and dreams and their prayers offered with open hands and hearts.

It is a group of sisters never met in person but hearts knit together. Loving each other through words on a screen. Feeling less alone and lifting each other up to Him.

Home is where the heart is.
My heart is full and my cup overflows.

Every time I think of you, 
I give thanks to my God.
Philippians 1:3


Happy Birthday Conner!

20 Feb
Today we are celebrating the day our Conner was born. 
He turns 15 today. 
My how the time has flown by, sweet boy. 
I say boy, but the truth is that you are growing into a wonderful young man. 
We are so thankful for the gift of you.

Happy birthday Conner!
We love you!

Making the decision to have a child is momentous. 
It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.
– Elizabeth Stone 

If Momma Ain’t Happy

31 Jan
As a wife and mom, I am the thermostat of our home. I am responsible for setting the emotional temperature of our family. My mood will set the tone each day and my husband and children will respond accordingly.

That is a huge responsibility and I have to be ever conscious of my mood and how it effects my family.  Life can be challenging and negative emotions can be stirred up during those times. Emotions aren’t wrong, but letting them control me is.

Feelings don’t just happen; they are always preceded by a thought.
– Judy Rossi

Our thoughts are so important in shaping our emotions. What we hear in our heads travels to our hearts. We have a choice to let the negative thoughts take root and create negative feelings or replace those thoughts with the truth. His truth.

In 2 Corinthians 10:5, we are told to “take every thought captive” which means that we have control over our thoughts. It is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that this is possible. For once we become children of God, we have the Holy Spirit inside of us and letting the Spirit control our minds leads to life and peace (Romans 8:6).

In Romans 12:1-2, God commands us to offer our bodies as a “living and holy sacrifice” as an act of worship, which includes our minds. We are to yield and devote everything to Him – from our thoughts to our actions. He goes on to say that we are to let Him transform us into new people by changing the way we think. We need to be molded daily by His truth and not the lies that we often hear in our heads.

Under God’s economy, nothing really changes until our minds do. Transformation is the fruit of a changed outlook. First our minds are renewed, and then we are transformed, and then everything is different, even if it stays the same.
– Mark Buchanan “The Rest of God”

He tells us in His Word exactly what we should be
thinking of instead of those negative thoughts.

Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. 
Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.
Philippians 4:8

In God’s Word, there is a truth for every lie the enemy tries to get us to believe.

Feeling alone?
Be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
Matthew 28:20

Feeling tired?
Those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
    They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
    They will walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31

Feeling defeated?
For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:13

Only God’s truth will renew our minds and change our behavior. 
The lies keep us bound and His truth sets us free.

What negative thoughts are you struggling with today?

How can I pray for you today?


What I’m Reading – Trophy Child

25 Jan
My Thoughts

Trophy Child is a book that challenges parents to examine our hearts behind how we parent. It isn’t a detailed list on how to be a better parent or how to have a better child. Instead the author invites us to look at our motivations. He shares about his own experiences parenting and includes a “gut check” for each of us at the end of each chapter.

The five primary motives of parents who display their children are:
  • We obsess over achievement and competition
  • We create environments where our kids can succeed rather than preparing them for environments they cannot control
  • We accelerate childhood milestones and delay adulthood milestones
  • We take too much credit and too much blame for the way our kids turn out
  • We connect with our children more frequently and for longer periods of time

There are several types of trophy parents.
The Vanity Parent 
The Perfection Parent
The Competitive Parent
The Return of Investment Parent
The Gifted Parent
The Companion Parent
The Rescue Parent

As I read more about vanity parenting I realized that there are times I fall into this category. I have had those moments when I was more concerned that how my children behaved and the choices they made reflected on me as their mother.

My favorite chapter in the book is Kids Who Follow Jesus. The author reminds us of God’s love language – Jesus. When we love Jesus and observe all that He taught, we show the Father love.

Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. 
 The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.
Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. 
 My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.
John 14:21, 23

In this chapter the author talks about connecting our children to God through them getting to know Jesus. Part of that connection means knowing and abiding in the Word. In order for them to know God, they must know what He says.

I was challenged by this book and encouraged by it as well.

Here is an introduction to Trophy Child:

You can purchase the book here:

About the Book

Do you cringe when your kids fight in public because it makes you look bad? Do you find yourself helping too much with homework because you want the teacher to be impressed? Do you secretly take credit for your child’s dance recital, soccer win, or spelling bee crown? You might be in danger of vanity parenting.
Vanity parenting happens when our culture’s obsession with performance leads us to form expectations for our kids based on the world’s standards, not on the Bible. As a result, our children try to meet our emotional needs instead of growing into the calling God has for them.
Trophy Child will help you create a home where your children find success in following their heavenly Father’s leading for them—and you know the joy of seeing your children embrace their full potential as children of God.

About the Author

Pastor Ted Cunningham founded Woodland Hills Family Church in Branson, Missouri, where he lives with his wife and two children. A graduate of Liberty University and Dallas Theological Seminary, he is the author of Young and in Love and has coauthored several books with Dr. Gary Smalley, including The Language of Sex and Great Parents, Lousy Lovers.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Around the Tables Again

25 Jan
Today I am joining Lisa-Jo and friends for Five Minute Friday.
This is where we come together writing for 5 minutes without editing or overthinking.
I love this community.

Check out what everyone’s is sharing on the word AGAIN here.

Five Minute Friday

We are gathered around the tables again. 
This group of women. This group of mommas.
My friends. My sisters.
We bow our heads in prayer together.
Inviting Him into this space we share. 
We open our Bibles and read aloud the Word.
Seeking Him.
Wanting to know more of Him.
We talk of things that are usually held inside.
And know that we aren’t alone.
We are sharing the deepest parts of our hearts.
And know that we are loved.
Around the tables again.
We end our time together bowing once again in prayer.
For each other. For our families.
Bringing to Him all things.
We hesitate to leave this place.
A sacred place.
On the way home, I weep.
Thanking Him for the gift of you all.
Thanking Him.
For our time around the tables again.

Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.
I always pray for you, and I make my requests
with a heart full of joy.
Philippians 1:3-4 


Prodigal Grace

17 Jan
I have read the parable of the prodigal son in Luke 15 many times over the years. Each time I identified with the son, but never with the father. I have always thought of the story as it compares to my relationship with God. This morning I began to consider how the prodigal’s father isn’t just an example of the parent that God is to me, but how I should be parenting as well.

The prodigal’s father didn’t argue with his son or try to change his mind when he asked for his inheritance and left in rebellion. It must have broken his heart to see his son going down that road knowing the struggle that was to come for him. How hard those days of waiting for his return must have been.

When his son returned with a repentant heart, he didn’t give a lecture on making right choices, but celebrated his return. And not a cake and balloons kind of party either. It was a moment that called for the best of everything. He brought out his finest robe, jewelry and sandals and had the grandest banquet prepared. He opened his arms to his son with such love and compassion.

As a mother I want to protect my sons from making mistakes and then suffering the consequences of those choices. But in doing that am I keeping them from life lessons? And when they do make mistakes do I offer them grace or condemnation?

I so want them to witness that same grace in my response as the prodigal experienced with his father. For them to know deep in their hearts that nothing they could do will ever make me love them less. That my arms are always open and grace will always be offered.

Sometimes our children will have to travel the harder road and we will have to let them go. Our part in their story becomes that of the prodigal parent…waiting their return and greeting them with open arms.
Prodigal grace.

Grace is my One Word for 2013.
God has been whispering to my heart about grace so much already this year.
What has He been whispering to yours?

Wednesdays with Women in Kidmin

2 Jan
Wednesdays with Women in Kidmin is about bringing together some of the leading 
women in children’s ministry to share their knowledge and passion. 
For us to gather and learn from each other…to sharpen each other.
As iron sharpens iron,
so a friend sharpens a friend.
Proverbs 27:17

Motherhood and Ministry
– Yancy

I grew up a preacher’s kid. Yeah, yeah, I know often times that is filled with negative connotations but for me it’s been a great thing. As look back on my life I can very gladly and openly say that I had a great life. I had two parents that loved me and did everything in their power to teach, guide and train me in the way I should go. My life as a preacher’s kid was a happy one. I found it filled with many positive opportunities I would have never gotten any other way. I accepted Christ when I was seven and knew from an early age that God had called me to do music. Because of that dream I’ve been working hard at my music for most of my life. Because of what I felt God had called me to do in my life it required me to have a relationship with Him. The church is where I found a place to belong. A place to serve and a place to use my gifts. 
I am now a mom myself. My son, Sparrow, will be two in February. I can’t believe how much time flies. It’s been an amazing and joy-filled almost two years. I am also in ministry. I travel doing family concerts at churches all over the country and throughout the world. I have many different CD’s, DVD’s and devotionals that focus on different ages like preteen and preschool. I train kidmin worship leaders through workshops and articles. I write and produce the music for Standard Publishing’s VBS and help with Plus, I serve in my local church on a couple different worship teams.
I can be honest and say most days I feel like I’m at least ten to fifteen “things to dos” behind. Everyday I wake up with the idea that I can accomplish so much in my day only to realize that I am not Super Woman and by the time I do some Mommy things with Sparrow and around the house my work to do list is well, not going to get accomplished like I thought.
So, at this stage in the game as I reflect on the many things my parents did right and follow their model as I parent Sparrow here’s a few things I want to share:
1. Include your kids. It wasn’t just Dad’s ministry but something we did as a family. Every Saturday I’d go to the church with Dad growing up and help prepare the classrooms and kid’s ministry for Sunday morning. Whether it was straightening chairs, filling buckets of candy, making Visitor packs or many other tasks I was right there in the middle of it and spending time with Dad in the process. When Dad traveled to conferences we’d either all go as a family or take turns going on special trips with Dad. Sparrow travels with me to all my concerts and he loves to play with cables and plug stuff in and he’s awesome at carrying a megaphone. J

 2. Make special focused time for your kids.Time with Mom was many shopping trips. Time with Dad was usually a lunch or dinner. The point is they made special, dedicated time that was about me.  They made me feel important in their world. One of my biggest challenges is stopping to acknowledge Sparrow when I’m in the middle of responding to emails. But I’ve read that if you want your kids to share important stuff with you then you need to not ignore them when they try to talk to you.

 3. Allow your kids to experience, try and fail in protected environments. My parents were super strict with what we watched and listened to when I was young. In our teen years they were great about taking us to the non-Christian concerts we were interested in and allowing us to see the world in a controlled environment. They were with us when we smelled pot or saw people gorging in PDA. It was a controlled environment and we were able to see how ridiculous someone is that’s drunk or living a lifestyle that is not God honoring. In those environments it made us only want to live holy…instead of wondering what the world was like, we saw it with our parents. Even on into making some career choices. My parents helped guide me to seek God and listen to His voice to guide my steps. They let me make the decisions. Great lessons learned at young ages on how listening to God’s voice and doing what He says always pays off.  I want to help Sparrow make Godly choices as he navigates his life. I want Him to learn to hear God’s voice and obey what He says.

 4. My parents blessed us. They didn’t spoil us, but they did bless us. When I was a kid my parents didn’t have much to go around so spoiling wasn’t an option. My Dad is a giver   though is he strived very hard to be loving and giving just like our Heavenly father is. He said He doesn’t want to get to Heaven and have God asked why He didn’t do more to help his kids answer the call of God on their life. Even as I write this that is a humbling statement. I am so blessed to have such giving parents that sacrificed so we could take the dance and music lessons we took. They made sure we had great keyboards, guitars, drums, lawyers or whatever was needed for that season. I want to be giving like that to Sparrow. I want to support Him as He dreams the dreams God has for his life. I want to teach him that God provides for all of our needs!

5. Love God, Hate Sin. Both my parents repeated things over and over to us through the years. Of course, sometimes I rolled my eyes hearing the same stuff again but you know what, it stuck with me. Those things got down in my heart and are here to stay. One of those things was “Love God, Hate Sin.” It’s an old 80’s CCM song by Mylon LeFevre. My Mom signed every birthday card and letter at camp with those four words. It’s kind of funny and I’ve already started signing things to Sparrow the same way. If I can get those four words down in his heart as he makes the wise choice then I think we’ll be off to a good start.
Happy New Year! Many blessings on you, your family and your ministry in 2013.
Learn more about Yancy at

A Look Back at 2012

31 Dec
Looking back at what I’ve written in the past year 
and am feeling so incredibly blessed.
Not by what I’ve written, but by you all sharing
your hearts in response to my heart on the page.
I am so thankful for each one of you who 
have read, responded to, and shared my words.
You all are a treasured gift.

Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.
Philippians 1:3

Today I wanted to share some of my favorite posts from the past year with you.

In January, I shared about God calling me to be still with Him. 

In February, I shared about exchanging my weakness for His strength.

In March, I shared about what Family Ministry looks like in our own homes.

In April, I shared about moments with my boys that taught me more about God.

In May, I shared about a time that I have my deepest conversations with God.

In June, I shared about making the most of every moment we have with our children.

In July, I shared truths from The Lord’s Prayer to teach our children.

In August, I shared about standing on the promise of provision from God.

In September, I joined other bloggers in writing a letter to myself as a teenager. 
This was by far the most challenging post I wrote all year and is still the hardest for me to read. It is the post that had both positive and negative responses, but through it all I knew it had to be shared.
If it touched one person’s life, then it was all worth it.

In October, I shared about our longing to be welcomed and the power of those words.

In October, I also shared about one of my biggest fears and how God is bigger.

In November, I shared about celebrating 20 years married to my warrior.

In November, I also shared about the power of my Abba answering a prayer.

In December, I shared about God breaking my heart and joining The Exodus Road team.

In December, I also shared a letter of encouragement written to the undercover investigators of The Exodus Road and invited you to write one as well.

Again I want to thank you all.

Thank you for joining me here and allowing me 
to share my heart and sharing yours right back. 
I am looking forward to what God has 
in store for us in the coming year together.


Covered in Grace