Orange & Overwhelmed?

4 May
So the Orange Conference is over. You probably feel a little overwhelmed by everything you learned there. For me it feels like I have been drinking from a firehose for three days. You might be wondering where to begin with all of the information and ideas that you came away with from the conference.
I want to share the best advice I received last year which was my first time attending the conference.
I met Sam Luce last year upstairs in the bloggers lounge. He asked about my experience so far at Orange and I confessed to feeling a bit overwhelmed with everything. I told him that I really had no idea where to go and what to do with all that I was learning both in breakouts and in the main sessions. Sam told me to make a list of the top three things that I would like to implement and work on in the next year. Fantastic advice from Sam that I will be applying again this year. I am already working on my top three list.
Thanks Sam!
What are your top three takeaways from the Orange Conference this year?

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